00353 21 2355267 info@cscp.ie

Booking Coonfirmation

CV Coaching, LinkedIn profile and Interview Techniques

What you need to have for our upcoming appointment.

Appointment for CV preparation

Email over what ever copy of your CV you have in a word format so we can build it out together to make your experience and past achievements sing off the page.

Appointment for Interview techniques

Email over your CV in a word format and any other documents relevant to your upcoming interview or written feedback from previous interviews if applicable

Appointment for LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is a professional landing page for you to manage your personal brand. It is a great way for you to let people know who you are, what you stand for, and what you’re interested in. Your profile will be your personal storyboard where people can find you and stay updated on your activity, I will help you make sure your profile is complete and representative of you.

First off if you can email over the URL for your LinkedIn profile if you have one set up already otherwise a copy of your most recent CV and gather together any information on achievements, list of relevant skills. Get a good headshot picture done and we will build out the rest.

We Build Lasting Relationships


Interview tips

BY Tina Coy, ACCA, Affiliated CIPD, Managing Director


301 Harbour Point Business Park,
Little Island,

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00353 21 2355267

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